Live Rock, Corals, Fish and my 180g tru vu for sale--

Bamm Bamm

Saltwater Guru
Live Rock $2/lb I have probably 100-150lbs of it...small and medium pieces lots of flat pieces and some tonga branch.... Sorry im keeping all the huyge pieces=)...---all in my 150g rubbermaid brute right now for easy viewing

Gold Spotted Rabbitfish 6-7"- $50

Yellow Foxface Rabbitfish 6-7"-$30-pending delusions

Yellow Mimic Tang 5"-$50

Vilmingi Tang-4-5"-$40

SailFin Tang-4-5"$30

2 tomato clowns both females in sperate tanks though--$10/each

with there host anenome's--false pink tipped rbta--$30/each anenomes by them selves $20

Blue Flasher wrasse(it's actually pink with a blue tail and blue stripes not sure why they call it blue)$35

Peacock Wrasse-$30

yellow coris wrasse $20

7 green chromis-$2/each-pending delusions

1 male Lyretail Anthia $25

1 pscyhadelic mandarin $15

2 cleaner shrimp-$10 each-pending delusions

snails $1 for small ones

turbo snails $2

Astrea Snails Large $2

sand sifting starfish(if we can find him)$10


Gold Nugget zoas 12+polyps $40

Joker Paly's 6+ polyps $25---pending to ronmidtownstomp

Purple Death Palys with over 10 polyps $50/each

KeddRedd zoas (20+)polyps $30

Tubb's Blue 9polyps--
28+polyps $35

False Pink tipped RBTA'S between 3-5" $20/each


Alex's Unknown 1-2" frag $20

Green w/Purple Rim Montipora Capricoris slightly bleached 6-7" $25

Idaho Grape Montipora Capricoris Large 7-8" start to take some beautiful shape(sorry no pics yet can't find my camera) $40

Blood Red Montipora Capricoris about 2-3" fully encrusted and growing like mad on a seashell=)$25---pending chads120

Red Digitata colony about 4-5" wide with about 10branches starting to grow small though--$15

LE Steve Elia's Stag about 3-4" with about 5-7branches $30

Flouresant Orange and flouresant green Acan Lords-(absolutely brilliant color) 8+heads $40--
LE Tyree Ponape Birdnest about the size of half a baseball tons of branches one is bleached though the acans fell on it and killed the branch for a day though---that branch seems to be coming back though--$30

180 (6'x2'x2')Gallon Tru Vu Reef ready tank with 30" tall stand, 12"tall canopy w3 fans, 60g acrylic sump w/built in 20g refugium, mag 9.5return pump all plumbing, and my old euroreef protein skimmer $500w/skimmer or $400/w/o skimmer

I need to move this all ASAP---I'd like to try and get rid of all the fish this afternoon hopefully Im heading to the movies and lunch in a bit but give me a call after 2:30pm and hopefully we can make a deal
Dan 925-642-6152

Everything is negiotable buy more than one thing and I'll give you a better deal i just need to get everything out of here Im hoping for this week.. I dont want to post it on craigslist because there's too many flakes and weirdos on there
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=)...I got RonmidtownStomp holding on to all of em for me=) I really didnt have to many this time around though.. Next time though Im thinking i will only have LE SPS..
list has been updated
also i still have a rr 40g breeder with stand not very pretty good for a frag tank or sump....I would recomend resealing the overflow box though
Pictures osrry they suck I took them with my cellphone and theres alot of coraline on the acrylic i need to clean it still been procrastinating




OK So I'm moving this weekend thats why i've been trying to get rid of everything Im moving back to the bay area.. prices lowered everything is negiotable i dont want to have to take stuff to the lfs..

Moving I need to sell this all fast--
Im going to the meeting tommorow night and willing to bring any of the items even fish AS LONG AS you show up...I don';t want to stress the fish...

I'm moving this weekend and I need everything gone ASAP I don't want to leave the tanks at my ex-girlfriends..if the fish and such aren't gone soon I'm going to have to take them to the LFS..........

All prices are negoitable(sp?)

Prices lowered I want to take the tank down ASAP....

Gold Spotted Rabbitfish 6-7"- $40

Yellow Mimic Tang 5"-$40

Vilmingi Tang-4-5"-$30

SailFin Tang-4-5"$25

2 tomato clowns both females in sperate tanks though--$10/each

with there host anenome's--false pink tipped rbta--$20/each anenomes by them selves $15

Peacock Wrasse-$20

yellow coris wrasse $15

1 male Lyretail Anthia $20

snails $1 for small ones

Astrea Snails Large $2

sand sifting starfish$10

Zoas I have about 10-15 other frags of zoas that I dont have listed some pinks purples, green, blue with green rings in the center, some joker pali lookalikes some orange ones etc..

Eagle eyes 8 or so polyps--$10

Gold Nugget zoas 12+polyps $25

Tubb's Blue 9polyps--
28+polyps $30

False Pink tipped RBTA'S between 3-5" $15/each---2left


Alex's Unknown 1-2" frag $10

Green w/Purple Rim Montipora Capricoris slightly bleached 6-7" $15

Idaho Grape Montipora Capricoris Large 7-8" start to take some beautiful shape(sorry no pics yet can't find my camera) $25

Red Digitata colony about 4-5" wide with about 10branches starting to grow small though--$10

LE Steve Elia's Stag about 3-4" with about 5-7branches $20

LE Tyree Ponape Birdnest about the size of half a baseball tons of branches one is bleached though the acans fell on it and killed the branch for a day though---that branch seems to be coming back though--$20

Also I think Im going to part the tank and everything out as soon as the livestock is out.. So if you're interested

I think I already have someone interested in the sump so Im not listing it

180g(6'x2'x2') tru vu acrylic Reef ready tank-very few noticable scratches on the outside walls-with 1.25"Durso standpipe $250

180g stand 30" tall 3 doors painted gloss black $50
180g canopy 12" tall the front and half the top flip back to allow complete access to the pain with 3 fans-$40
stand and canopy together $75

Also I'm planning on going to the meeting friday evening and can bring any of the items I have listed although I prefer not to bring fish... I'm sure it could arranged though...
I'm moving this weekend and I need everything gone ASAP I don't want to leave the tanks at my EX-GIRLFRIENDS APT...if the fish and such aren't gone soon I'm going to have to take them to the LFS..........

All prices are negoitable(sp?)

Prices lowered I want to take the tank down ASAP....

Gold Spotted Rabbitfish 6-7"- $40

Yellow Mimic Tang 5"-$40

Vilmingi Tang-4-5"-$30 ---pending Mikid

SailFin Tang-4-5"$25

2 tomato clowns both females in sperate tanks though--$10/each

with there host anenome's--false pink tipped rbta--$20/each anenomes by them selves $15

Peacock Wrasse-$20

yellow coris wrasse $15

1 male Lyretail Anthia $20

snails $1 for small ones

Astrea Snails Large $2

sand sifting starfish$10

Zoas I have about 10 or so? other frags of zoas that I dont have listed some pinks purples, green, blue with green rings in the center, some orange ones etc..

Gold Nugget zoas 12+polyps $20

False Pink tipped RBTA'S between 3-5" $15/each---1 left


Alex's Unknown 1-2" frag $10

Idaho Grape Montipora Capricoris Large 7-8" start to take some beautiful shape(sorry no pics yet can't find my camera) $25

LE Steve Elia's Stag about 3-4" with about 5-7branches $20

LE Tyree Ponape Birdnest about the size of half a baseball tons of branches one is bleached though the acans fell on it and killed the branch for a day though---that branch seems to be coming back though--$20

Also I think Im going to part the tank and everything out as soon as the livestock is out.. So if you're interested

180g(6'x2'x2') tru vu acrylic Reef ready tank-very few noticable scratches on the outside walls-with 1.25"Durso standpipe $250
60 sump with dual large filter sock area, fuge, and return section.. I'll throw int he 65w PC I use to grow my huge mass of chaeto=)$100
180g stand 30" tall 3 doors painted gloss black $50
180g canopy 12" tall the front and half the top flip back to allow complete access to the pain with 3 fans-$40
stand and canopy together $75