Live Rock from Premium Aquatics


New member
Just put in 20lbs of new live rock - cured Manado - from PA. It's awesome rock too. Lots of fingers and holes and all pieces are large grapefruit size. Barely could fit them all in the tank. The rock was wrapped individually in wet paper then bagged three times before being placed in the insulation box which was also bagged before being placed in the shipping box. No odor of any die off either and I saw some life on a few pieces as I was unwrapping them. At 6.99/lb with overnight delivery at 109, get what you pay for I guess!

My tank is 8 years old and a good portion of it is being overrun by Briarium. The only viable solution I could determine was replacing the Briarium encrusted rocks with new, cured rock. DO NOT ADD BRIARIUM to your tank!!!
hi, based on the great reviews of PA's live rock i think i'll be ordering some. however, my direct email to PA with some specific questions was not returned. i wondered if someone could give me jeremy b's email? as a new member i can't pm him. first post. really great website. thanks.
I'm sorry you did not get a response to your inquiry. We try to get all emails returned within 2 hours, so I have a feeling your email could have been spam filtered by mistake. You can email me directly to


How much rock would your recommend for a 29H? Based on decriptions I was thinking 15 lbs is enough.

I would say right around 15lbs would be just about right. That will leave you with a pretty open aquascape, but not make the tank look empty etiher.
just wanted to report back that i was very pleased with my experience with premium aquatics. like the op, i went with the manado rock (except mine was uncured), and it is quite nice both in shape and coloration. i was able to do two day shipping which made the shipping cost very reasonable. it was nicely packaged and jeremy b was super helpful. so thanks to nvert and jeremy b.