Just put in 20lbs of new live rock - cured Manado - from PA. It's awesome rock too. Lots of fingers and holes and all pieces are large grapefruit size. Barely could fit them all in the tank. The rock was wrapped individually in wet paper then bagged three times before being placed in the insulation box which was also bagged before being placed in the shipping box. No odor of any die off either and I saw some life on a few pieces as I was unwrapping them. At 6.99/lb with overnight delivery at 109, get what you pay for I guess!
My tank is 8 years old and a good portion of it is being overrun by Briarium. The only viable solution I could determine was replacing the Briarium encrusted rocks with new, cured rock. DO NOT ADD BRIARIUM to your tank!!!
My tank is 8 years old and a good portion of it is being overrun by Briarium. The only viable solution I could determine was replacing the Briarium encrusted rocks with new, cured rock. DO NOT ADD BRIARIUM to your tank!!!