Live Rock Ideas


New member
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted on here. Work has been insane and it's kind of hard to join threads since I've been gone so long.

Anyhow, my tank is doing pretty decent . . had a few accidents and such over the holidays and some things didn't survive the move or the mantis or a few minor disasters, but all in all good learning experiences.

The reason I post is because I'm trying to rennovate my sump. I have this large piece of live rock that didn't look right in my main tank in there. It has been in there for a while, diagonally, since it barely fits.

Now that I'm totally frustrated with the inefficient use of space by this thing, I wanted to see if any of you have any ideas on what I could do with it.

Ideally, I'd like to trade it for two smaller, much more manageable pieces. But I'm not sure how easy it is to trade anything around here.

If any one of the people on here could use it, I'd be willing to trade it for something else. But since most of you are in Okinawa, I'm guessing that everyone has their fair share of rock already.

I suppose I could try breaking it into smaller pieces. Any ideas?
Welcome back!

If it were me, I'd probably get a hammer and make small rocks from the big rocks. Depending how coraline grows in your tank, and how you place the rocks, you could make it appear as though they were always two rocks.


Do I just smash it with a hammer? Or do I need a chisel or something?

Me and a hammer. Hmm, sounds kind of dangerous.
A big screwdriver works good too and is cheaper than a chisel. (a boyfriends head might also work) Just stick it in a hole and pound away. You will probably end up with 3 or 4 pieces whenyou are done.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9688984#post9688984 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
a boyfriends head might also work

Hahaha, too bad I don't have one of those lying around at the moment.

I have a screwdriver . . and a meat mallet . . .

Thanks for the advice!
And for the record, this kind of screwdriver will NOT help you break your rock (others may disagree!). It does look tasty to sip on during these warm spring days!

Using meat mallet and screwdriver, I got it into three pieces. The second half was too dense for the screwdriver to easily break it.

And since Dana requested, here is a pic of me and the meat mallet. I took it myself, so it's not a great pic and the frustration shows on my face.


oops, fixed img tag
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Just three. Part of the rock was just too dense to break. I probably need a bigger screwdriver, but these pieces were at least small enough to fit normally into the sump, so I am happy.

Thanks for the help!