Live rock transfer question


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Hello all,

Quick questions...Upgrading soon from a 28g to a 50. I have 60lbs of live rock that is cured in a separate container with a heater and powerhead.

When my tank comes and I am ready to do the transfer and get things started, how long can I have the live rock out of the water before worrying about die off? In other words, can I aquascape without water in the tank to make things easier? Or do I need to aquascape with the new salt water to avoid die off?

Oh wow that is great. I really don't like the idea of scaping in water. Will get messy quick and be difficult. I would hope to be done scaping within 60-90 minutes. Trying to visualize what I want to do best I can.
I should say there are a ton of pods and some small coral such as a few stray mushrooms and zoas here and there. As well as some nice sponges.
Depending on the type of sponge, you may lose a few. The rest of the stuff will do just fine. If it seems like the rock is drying out, just dip it back in the curing tub.

Pictures when done!
Awesome thank you! Will do! I’ve had my 28g for a long time. Looking forward to having a tank with some length finally! Will definitely post up pictures!
Dye off happens as soon as rock is out of water but you have a couple hours to do so.Just try to keep it wet as possible
Rock followed by water tomorrow!


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Live rock is often shipped wrapped in wet newspaper.

I believe many people aquascape with no water in their tanks. Shouldn't take you very long, so you'll be fine. Just don't any long breaks.

Sponges are very sensitive to being exposed to air, so like billdogg said, you'll lose some, or all. It may grow back.
okay guys,

tank is all set up. Rock and water in. Only had the rock out of the water about 90 minutes or so and did dip them back in the water here and there. Tank has been running about 6 days now. I have a mexican turbo snail in there that was in the container with my live rock for about 6 weeks. I am assuming I am safe to start transferring things over from my 28? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate all look good. As we discussed earlier, I shouldn't see any cycle at all as the live rock was cured when it came to me and then sat in saltwater for an additional 6 weeks while I set up the new tank.

I was thinking transferring my coral first today. Monitoring how they do for a week and then transferring over my 4 fish?

I’d move a couple fish over before the coral, especially more sensitive pieces like SPS. Let the tank adjust for a week or so, then start stocking it more heavily with the less sensitive species you have. My $0.02 and worth every penny, ��.
It’s one trachyphyllia, a neon green toadstool, and some orange acans. Only coral I was going to transfer. Why Fish before coral?
Ended up moving over the toadstool a few days ago and it is doing great. Brown diatoms are appearing more and more on the glass and barebottom, as expected.

At this point, it should signal maybe it is time to do a 5g water change and finish the process of transferring over the two corals and fish? Any concern with transferring all four fish at once so that I can break down the 28g?