live rock turning white


New member
Hellow. Ive been running my aquarium for about three months. And now my live rock is turning white. I was wondering what is going on. I have two clowns and a xenia and gsp. Corals are doing great. Ammonia is at zero, ph at 8.2 , alkalinity at 11 dkh. Calcium at 400. Phosphate At zero
. Nitrate and nitrite is at zero. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Are you referring to live rock that began colored up and is now fading to white? Or did you begin with pale rock, it grew color over the last 3 months, and now that color is bleaching?

If you'll PM me, we can continue this conversation there so that this thread doesn't get too cluttered up with our back-and-forth responses.

If you prefer, my email is and you can send your responses there. Hopefully we can solve this mystery for you!