live rock

I bought some....he has many sizes, different kinds like tonga, and fiji. 95% of it has great coraline coverage. For $3 a pound...Great Deal.
REDDAWG43 thanks a lot for u help bro........

fla_spearo over 5 years .........

I also have some zoos and corals ,.................

no prob Cubano... Thank you for the nice rocks.
The purple and pinks look awesome in my tank....
If I can make space, I will get more the next time I go again!
sorry brother I have no pics u better hurry if u want some a lot off people wants the rocks send me a pm if u want my address ...
Manana finalmente tengo un dia libre. Quiero ir y comprar piedra y corales si tienes. Puedes dar me tu telefono para que te puedo llamar? Gracias.
nyvp I just sold all the BIG BIG pices ..............

Fitchguy I don`t have a lot off live rock but sure i can shipp...

bawla47 thanks buddy for u help :D

I have some base rock now $2 a pound ..............
Hey cubano, are the tube anemones ready to go?
I also want a few small pieces of live rocks for my refugium.
Will you be home Sat? The usuall time...1-2pm?
