live rock


New member
Ok, i'm picking up my new 120 tank Jan 20th when I go to the frag swap. Now has anyone got some live rock they need to get rid of? I will be needing some 120lbs or so if you should have some you don't need let me know and maybe we can make a deal.
i like the fact that i can see what i am buying. i am partial to marshall island rocks coz of their weight and different shape and sizes. i have used fiji and tongas but the cave and crevices on the Marshall's makes aquascaping better.
I have around 25 to 30 lbs, not sure what kind it is. Asking $50.00 for all if it.I need to move it and the fish pretty quickly.
del 123 go to your pm & put a check in all the boxes then go to the bottom & delete, check your out going to,