Live rock


New member
I was wondering because I have been hired by my company to take care of the two 400 gal. tanks, which have been working for several years, what you all think about getting live rock.
I was also wondering how much should I start out with because I don't want to hurt the fish. Also what type would you recommend for live rock, like what looks the coolest, and if you can send me links to a picture of what it looks like.
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I think LR is a great idea.
It adds a biological filtration source for the tank as well as another grazing zone for the fish to eat from.

H-o-w-e-v-e-r, be sure to ONLY add rock that is FULLY CURED so as to not cause a 'cycle' in the tank (ammonia spike that can lead to the fish dying).

I would also recommend adding it piece by piece slowly allowing the systems to catch up and adjust to the change. I wouldn't add more than 10 lbs at first. That's me though.

The total amount you end up adding when all finished depends on your personal taste.
Get creative with the aquascaping, make bridges, ledges, caves etc.
unless you qt all the fish and allow a time to cycle if you get uncured live rock.I f you can not qt the fish then i agree no more that 10 to 15 pounds.
I would just use dead rock. clean it and add just one or two live pcs to get things going. You will save money and headaches this way. It all becomes the same after 6 months.
Well thanks for the info. I think I will use the 10-15 pounds of rock at a time. Does anyone have any very reliable sites that they baught from that sends it fully cured at a competitive price? The company I work for use dr.foster and the hotline that they have is very good and they directed me here which is cool, but where can I get it for a good price but from a trusted place?
Also what type of live rock should I get? I hear there is about four major types, fyi I have a beginer fish in these tank, and also with my post above please send the link too!
You said two 400 gallon tanks, why not move all the fish to one tank, add the rock, wait 2 months and move all the fish to the tank with the rock and add rock to the new empty tank?

It would be foolish and overly risky to buy all live rock, I would really highly recomend at least 2/3rds dead rock, all you need the live rock for is the coraline and the podsandworms, the rest will come to any porous rock you add to the tank.
THanks for the links, though the two fishtanks have a shared filter, a big and expensive one of that. So it wouldn't matter if I moved the fish to the other tank because they share the same water.
I would add maybe 20-40 live rock and go with base rock for the rest. This will save a ton on money. the base rock will turn to live rock in no time. As far what kind of rock, I like Pukani. it's very light weight, probably 30% lighter then figi. Since you pay per pound this helps. It also looks better.