Live Sand vs Rock Pool Bottom Crude


New member
Which has more life? If I am going to put it in a sump, which would your suggest? My sump is not compartmentalized, how would you suggest I add sump to the sump.

The sump is a 65g glass tank with LR in a milk crate and a submersible pump.

Sump to the sump?? :)

As for the live sand vs crude- you would get a lot mot stuff in the crude then the live sand. However I am not sure if people use it along or mix it in with some sand. Most people I suggest to get regular sand and just mix the crude into it instead of paying live snad prices. If you need anything else just let me know.

How about

some to the sump?

I think you got the point.

Any suggestions on where to put it in a sump without separate compartments?

I just thought you were trying to create a new song- sump to the sump, lol. Kim and I had fun with it :)

If you can make compartments that would help. My next thought is you could put it under the skimmer. Just build a small platform for the skimmer to sit on and put the sand/crude underneath that. Just make sure the water coming out of the skimmer is not stiring up the sand below it.