LiveAquaria Cuttle

The cuttle looks mad.....personally, I wouldn't buy it unless I knew what it was. You could be prepared for a sepia bandensis or other small species with a 20 gallon, but you are probly not prepared for S. officionalis, with a chiller and 220......
Looks like a bandensis and at 2.25 inches its an adult with a few months to live.

150+shipping for a bandensis is rather ridiculous...
It does seem expensive, but think of it this way:

If they ordered 10 cuttles at imported price of 20 each, then they also paid 100 bucks at least for freight, which puts their cost at 30 each. Then they lose 5 because well, they are shipping adult cuttles. That puts the import price at 60 each. Double that and you get 120 retail. So the price is really not so bad. This also assumes that they ordered them directly, but if they had to go through a middle man the price would be much more.

The marine ornamental industry is a volume business which is why you can still pay 3 dollars retail for a damsel or 12 dollars for a cleaner shrimp - btw, those prices haven't changed much in 20 years which is crazy. Cephs however, are not really a volume animal (and I hope they never are) so you have to pay something more like what they actually cost rather than a quasi artificially reduced price.