
Maybe it's me but if a fish dies in my tank (rare) I usually can't find it and the cuc takes care of it. I m not going to rip apart tank for a credit. Imo

With proper QT, you wouldn't have a new fish in your tank in those 14 days
My fish typically go into a 29 gallon holding tank for weeks while I observe and to make sure if they have something it doesn't get introduced into my display tank. I purchased a chevron tang, setup the 29 with liverock for the tang to feed on, but in a couple days it perished. What I did not realize was a couple crabs made it into the QT tank. So when I took a picture of the tang it wasn't the best shape. But I still received my credit which I used on another chevron which is doing great!
I cant see where a picture of a dead fish on my phone will hurt the phone. I could be wrong.
When I first had a DOA, I was quite surprised Liveaquaria did not want proof of non-life. I was never shy about reporting the deaths when things arrived dead or in bad shape but, if they arrived looking/appearing good and died more than a week or so in, I started to feel like maybe it was my fault. I have purposefully not used the guarantee in a couple instances where things were clearly my fault (aggression by incompatible fish comes to mind as an example).

However, I always attributed Liveaquaria's policy of requiring nothing more than your word to economics. I assumed somebody at Liveaquaria decided it was cheaper to replace everything than to investigate the purported deaths to catch fraudulent guarantee users (sadly, I'm sure at least some exist). I suspect the current policy will be used more as a basic deterrent than any real plan to investigate claimed losses. I would be very surprised to see them request that something be shipped back, unless someone was claiming repeated losses on very expensive livestock. However, I certainly don't resent them reserving the right to ask someone making a claim to do so (if they're picking up the shipping cost). If I've got to pay to pack up and ship a 10 fish because it arrived dead on my doorstep, it's not much of a guarantee at that point.....Also, I don't really like the idea of keeping pets in the freezer (even brand new ones that never became part of the family), although I understand the irony of this given the number of pounds of dead flesh routinely stored there. You mean beef comes from cows, I thought it was born on a styrofoam board wrapped in cellophane? Just kidding. As a hopefully not too political aside, I think there is a value in taking ownership of where our food comes from. In an ideal world, everyone should probably have some experience in growing/raising, harvesting/slaughtering, preparing, cooking and composting our food. With increased understanding of the process would likely come some increased respect for it and each of its component parts.

With a couple of recent orders, I've had things either missing entirely (I think it was a pair of dwarf cichlids) or fewer animals than ordered in a big (10 snails instead of 12 or similar). I wonder how you take a picture of missing livestock? Maybe I should start filming the unboxing process:hmm5:....

I really like Liveaquaria though. Ultimately, better than 90% of my purchases are either from them (because of generally good quality and variety) or my LFS (because I really like having a LFS so I try to support them when/how I can).

Ultimately, it seems very fair of Liveaquaria to ask for proof of the deceased. However, if the process of making a guarantee claim becomes too onerous, the value of the guarantee will effectively be diminished and I'm sure Liveaquaria would lose some business as a result.

Their return policy is no different than any other retail store. I can't take my receipt back to Home Depot and tell them the Dewalt driver that I just bought doesn't work and that I want a replacement. No, they'll tell me to bring back the old one to exchange for the new one. If I can't, I'm out of luck.

Their website doesn't state who pays for shipping back to their facility if they request to see the specimen in person. My assumption would be that on their dime, not mine. I would also assume they're not going to want their $15 Firefish back. They might want to see their $300 Queen Angelfish. It's worth it to them to spend $20 on shipping that fish back if they can prove it was poor husbandry that killed that fish and not have to replace it under the guarantee.