When I first had a DOA, I was quite surprised Liveaquaria did not want proof of non-life. I was never shy about reporting the deaths when things arrived dead or in bad shape but, if they arrived looking/appearing good and died more than a week or so in, I started to feel like maybe it was my fault. I have purposefully not used the guarantee in a couple instances where things were clearly my fault (aggression by incompatible fish comes to mind as an example).
However, I always attributed Liveaquaria's policy of requiring nothing more than your word to economics. I assumed somebody at Liveaquaria decided it was cheaper to replace everything than to investigate the purported deaths to catch fraudulent guarantee users (sadly, I'm sure at least some exist). I suspect the current policy will be used more as a basic deterrent than any real plan to investigate claimed losses. I would be very surprised to see them request that something be shipped back, unless someone was claiming repeated losses on very expensive livestock. However, I certainly don't resent them reserving the right to ask someone making a claim to do so (if they're picking up the shipping cost). If I've got to pay to pack up and ship a 10 fish because it arrived dead on my doorstep, it's not much of a guarantee at that point.....Also, I don't really like the idea of keeping pets in the freezer (even brand new ones that never became part of the family), although I understand the irony of this given the number of pounds of dead flesh routinely stored there. You mean beef comes from cows, I thought it was born on a styrofoam board wrapped in cellophane? Just kidding. As a hopefully not too political aside, I think there is a value in taking ownership of where our food comes from. In an ideal world, everyone should probably have some experience in growing/raising, harvesting/slaughtering, preparing, cooking and composting our food. With increased understanding of the process would likely come some increased respect for it and each of its component parts.
With a couple of recent orders, I've had things either missing entirely (I think it was a pair of dwarf cichlids) or fewer animals than ordered in a big (10 snails instead of 12 or similar). I wonder how you take a picture of missing livestock? Maybe I should start filming the unboxing process:hmm5:....
I really like Liveaquaria though. Ultimately, better than 90% of my purchases are either from them (because of generally good quality and variety) or my LFS (because I really like having a LFS so I try to support them when/how I can).
Ultimately, it seems very fair of Liveaquaria to ask for proof of the deceased. However, if the process of making a guarantee claim becomes too onerous, the value of the guarantee will effectively be diminished and I'm sure Liveaquaria would lose some business as a result.