liverock for sale $2/lb

Rogger Castells

New member
Now that most of the corals are gone, I will like to sell the liverock it is about 60-70 lbs ± $2/lb some of the rock have zoas and encrusting fluorescent green star polyps. if someone is interested i will be home all day today and tomorrow. you can pm.
Hey, Im new to the hobby & will be upgrading from my Nano to a 30g this next weekend 7/20-23/07, I would definately be interested in buying some LR.
Hi Bernie, I am trying to sell all the rock together if possible, this is why the price is so low, This rock will probably fit in a 30 gallon. Let me know if you are interested.
what kind of rock, how big are the pieces, if you are home tomorrow ill come by and look and purchase all thanks
To everyone looking to buy LR....The LR Rogger is selling, is well worth the money!!! It will have lots of little extras.

Rogger thanks for the zoos :(
I will definately take the firefish and the wrasse if that deal falls thru. Thank again.
lol...yeah Crystal, I forgive you.
But don't forget me, when you start fragging those zoos. :)
Also post some pics of the tank....I wouold love to see the progress.
You got it. :) I gotta get some new pictures of the tank. I added a new T5 light fixture and my camera doesn't know how to handle it - all of the pictures come out overexposed. Guess that is a good thing. I will post some pics once I get the camera figured out.
Thanks for the offer, I really am just interested in 20-30 lbs of LR. If you can come around to that would be great, but if not I appreaciate it any way.
Roger, it was nice meeting you and macaw today. I want to try to get the tank running asap to pick up that rock and get the system going. Ill call you soon once the plumbing is done.