Broke down the FOWLR.
*Toadstool Leather. 6"-7". $20. *50+ Brown with green mouth polyps on 6" rock. $20. *Chocolate Chip starfish 5". $10. *long spine urchin. large $20. *blue hippo tang 7". $40. *blue hippo tang 5". $20. *yellow tang 5" $40. *clarki clown fish 5". $20. *tamato clowns 3". $10.
Im in cabondale, pa.

*Toadstool Leather. 6"-7". $20. *50+ Brown with green mouth polyps on 6" rock. $20. *Chocolate Chip starfish 5". $10. *long spine urchin. large $20. *blue hippo tang 7". $40. *blue hippo tang 5". $20. *yellow tang 5" $40. *clarki clown fish 5". $20. *tamato clowns 3". $10.
Im in cabondale, pa.