LivestockUSA Group buy


Hello, just want to see if anyone would be interested in a group buy from livestockusa. they are like a wholesaler, but the fish go straight from LAX to here. reason why im asking is they can get garden eels (nearly impossible to find around here, and i have been looking for a source online forever) and have wholesaler prices. heres a list (prices are dirt cheap)

I did some research and emailed them, and everyone seems to have had good experience with them. They replied back and were nice and seemed knowledgable. id order just the garden eels for myself, but they only ship boxes of ~20 fish. (less if big, more if small)

only issue is, there is a whopping 300$ shipping fee. If enough people want to do this, then id have to increase prices if I was going to be the one to buy it. $300/20 = $15, so maybe $15 extra per fish? maybe less if you are buying less valuable fish (fish that retail for under 20$) and more if you are buying more expensive fish (fish that retail for more than 80-100$) because i want to try and keep it fair.

they have a 24 hour guarantee ( )

If we order, it will come into SFO on the next monday. ill pick it up and take it back to my house (located in san mateo) I have 10 gallon tanks I can setup as holding tanks if you cannot pick up your fish for a few days.

there is also a shipping from LAX to SFO fee, but depending on how much that is im willing to cover it.

if interested, fill out the information in this google slides