local lfs trys to give good advice


Premium Member
I was at a local chain store yesterday(Aquarium Adventures). while I was looking at fish I noticed a couple discussing a large yellow tang. the worker asked what size tank they had and what fish are in the tank. they said a 46 bowfront and they already had a trigger of some kind.the employee told them the tank was too small. the male said "how is it too small if you have these fish in a smaller tank at the store"?
the worker ended up selling them that fish and a fairly large puffer to go in the same tank. my point is no matter how well informed an employee is, if the customer insists on a fish, they usually end up getting it. sad. I am sure those fish are destined to end up dead soon.
I've deterred customers many, many times from buying fish that are inappropriate for their tank. However, they don't always listen and insist upon buying the fish anyway. Just as Fishfirst said, if I won't sell it to them, another employee will... It's unfortunate, but it happens.
At least your LFS know what they're talkin' about... I watched this one guy sell a purple tang, cowfish, and a six-line wrasse for one 40-somethin' tank.

I know they're out to make money, but jesus...
SOME LFS stores give out bad advice! =) I own a pet store and all my employees turn down sales over selling somthing that will die or not compatable.. All that does is make customer made and will not return since you BSed them I would much rather lose a sale then sale them something that they do not need or will not make it. And thi sis no joke I have several email sto back this up from customers who are glad that I refused to sell to them after they researched. Im not a huge store by no means and only plan on having one store but I now have customers who drive over 5 hours to my store because my employees and myself do not BS them. I know how it was when I was just a hobbiest and buying something because it looke dcool to just watch i tdie a slow death or even die overnight due to I was BSed.
I dont own a LFS or pretend to know alot ive only been doin this for a total of 7 years IM only 19 to lol but i still am a 3-4 times a week visitor to my lfs and i always hear something dumb goin on usually once the employee leaves i try to talk to the people and tell them why its not good sometimes people get really hostile but it has saved some lives thank god
Jen just started at this brand new LFS in south Jersey. THey had this beautiful bubble tip anenome that was hosting three Clarki clowns. The owner of the store will only sell them all together because they have been together for so long. This kid came in the other day and wanted to get them. Jen asked what size tank and what kind of fish he already has. I think he said he had an Ocellaris clown and a tomato clown in a 46 bow :eek:
She told him that he will have future problems and that she wouldn't sell it to him. After a long discussion, the customer left empty handed. Way to go Jen :)
I will always refuse a sale to someone I don't feel could adequately care for something they wish to buy. And all the employees know that our Saltwater Section (though limited) is the pride and joy of myself, my boss, and our aquarium maintainence guy. So if we get a customer that may not understand why we won't sell them what they want, we usually try to discuss with them why and possibly help them to make their tank more suitable for their desires.

It's more important to me to see people enjoy the hobby and learn the proper way of doing things then to have them buy something they can't keep only to have it die and discourage them from having the joy of a marine tank.
