logging manual test/suppliments with GHL Data


New member
Hi Guys,

I would like to log tests and suppliments, to graph along with GHL data. Does anyone do this? What software do you use?

Is this on the card for GHL enhancement by any chance?


so you would want to manually enter in your test values? (like "Phosphate 0.01ppm @ 10:00am")

that seems like alot of manual labor, heh.
Hey Tony,
Once your reef is going strong, you really need only check Ca, Mg, dKH. Your pH and ORP and salinity are already check by the controller.
I use AWT once a quarter, approx. I send in a sample and they email me back 14 different test parameters. Keep me on my toes and I know where my water quality is all the time.

I used to us ReefCon Pro. I still use XP and it works fine. I've heard it doesn't work in Vista. I also have a little database program I'll send you it you pm me,where you can keep track of whatever you want.

Enjoy the reef :)