New member
I have a 220 display and a 125 long display. I was thinking about going to one 300+. I want to buy new. Any suggestions on where to order?
I want glass I am not sure about the demensions. I thinking about 500 gallon
This tank is going to be fun to put together. Does this mean I will have to sell my mp40s and buy mp60's? Will the glass be to thick?
I think we want LED's on this tank.
I think alot of these questions relate to dimensions. If you want a taller tank then perhaps no to the vortec pumps depending on bracing and height. Taller tanks are going to require thicker glass. However taller tanks are difficult to work on and are not the best for gas exchange ect so most people go for a wider rather than taller tank for those and other reasons. I personally like tanks that are 28" or shorter and in the 36" - 48" width by whatever length you can fit into an exsisting space. Of course everyone likes something different and I'm giving just my persoanl preference. One nice thing about shorter tanks is that working on them is MUCH easier and they don't require as much top bracing. However, as a trade off you do lose some display viewing but you can make that up with more width which relates to more realistic aquascaping. I would recommend giving a couple manufactures a call and discuss with them some of your plans and see what they come up with.
As far a Glass Cages go I persoanlly have not dealt with them but a number of people have had difficulties with them.
Good point my 220 is 30" deep I am only 5'7" I cant reach the bottom.
After reading a bit I think I wil use Starphire glass.
I just saw a vid of your tank Tom, very impressive. what are the dimensions? And that stand is cool. What brand of lights did you go with?