Look what I found


New member
My 72 bow has been up and running for 9 years. I was looking around today and I spotted this bright green mass behind and under some rockwork where very little light could reach it. I removed the rock and this is what I found.




It measures about 3 inches across. The only other shrooms I have that resemble these are huge and not transparent.



Could this be one of the babies that blew under the rocks and has grown to the one I just found? I do not recall ever buying a mushroom with this bright green color. After I took thes pix I moved it under some rock so it is not under direct light. I still can't believe it flourished under all the rockwork.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have it under an overhang right now and I will see if anything changes. I have 54W T5 lighting so it is not too bright on the bottom of the tank. I sort of hope it doesn't change too much. I think it looks pretty nice the way it is. Really brightens up the tank.
it looks like the same shroom. I have a few of those in my tank too and the babies that go in the rock work are almost transparent.
looks like a bleached super man like the others in your pics but will need some more color before knowing for sure. Don't hit him to hard with light at first
Looks to be the same. No light will result in the transparent color. I have a few behind rocks that are white b/c it gets no light. Once under the right lighting it should color back up
Thanks JMCAquarium & fishoutofwater, I have it in sort of a rock tunnel so it shouldn't get too much T5 lighting but more food.