Looking for 1-25 Frag Swap info

There are no "assigned" table spaces. Typically, the school program is to the right of the entrance, Dan is to the immediate left. Otherwise, location is first come, first serve. Usually everyone plays nice and there are no problems. There has always been enough table space. If you need power at the location you pick, ask someone from the registration table and you will get assistance. Our host typically has extension cords run to various locations and everyone brings their own power strip. If you have an extension cord, it is best to bring it.
I had this same question! What time does the swap start and what's the earliest I can get there to sign up? Also, what's the fee to set up a table? Thanks in advance!

The swap starts at 11. I will look into setup time. It is always hectic right from the start. The club has to check everyone in.

If you are a club member, there is no fee for a table. If you are a business, the fee is $50.

Admission is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, under 12 free.
is there anyway I can reserve a few tables? I need 3x 6' tables or 2x 8' tables. I believe they have mostly 6 foot tables there.