Looking for 8 ft. RR tank for upgrade


New member
In search of a minimum 8 foot long tank, and preferably would like reef ready. We have a 6 foot right now but the Achilles is growing at a much faster rate then we anticipated (4" to 7" in 2 years). Stand would be great, but not essential. Thanks!
8 Foot tank

8 Foot tank

There is a guy in Butler he made my tank I would give him 2 thumbs up well if I had 3 thumbs I would give him 3 his name is Dave you can find him on E bay under saltwater salt water near 16001
Yup 375. Getting bored with the hobby. Tank is still up and running great. If you're interested, I'll give you a great deal on the tank, stand and sump. Skimmer, return pump, MP60's, Tunze 6205's, LED light, livestock and all other gear will have to go as well and I'll give you first crack at everything. PM me if you're interested enough to stop in for a look see. Thanks!