Looking for a copper banded butterfly

If you are adventurous, I read that the green scat will eat aiptasia and won't mess with corals or clams.
I have 2 filefish that eradicated my aptasia. Willing to get rid if one. Want to keep or around just in case.
Looking for a copper banded butterfly

I've literally got ten of thousands of aiptasia in my 180 unfortunately,so it's not like I they can't find em.
I've had great luck in the past with CBBs eating aiptasia. Think there are ways to train them

If you can withhold feeding, a CBB might turn to Aiptasia before starving, but if you are offering prepared foods, IME, the CBB is not the answer to an Aiptasia problem.
I haven't come across a Scat yet to try.
North Miami Beach. Disclaimer one of them likes to pick st the skirts of some of my nuclear greens. Not sure which one if the 2. This happened after they ran out of auptadua today.
Blue Earth has a couple CBB, never had luck with one surviving long. The Filefish didn't work for me either. It ended up getting eaten by the powerhead. Had a Racoon and Pearlcale BFF that both did a number on the Aptasias. The Racoon didn't pick at coral, wouldn't eat frozen or prepared food. Once the Aptasia number was down it slowly starved to death. Then the Aptasia came back with a vengeance. The Pearlscale was taken back to the LFS. A Kliens BFF is supposed to be a good aptasia eater as well, haven't tried one yet. I am SPS dominant so picking to me is ok, I have tow toby puffers that sharpen their beaks regularly and do far more damage than a BFF. I wouldn't try a butterfly with a prized zoa collection although the racoon did not touch them
i have always had luck with the CBB i got a baby one from strictly and my aptasia problem is slowly but surely going away. i dont starve the rest of my fish but i am definitely feeding less to make him hungry. also put about 30 peppermint but i think maybe 1 or 2 are alive. i put a very nice wrasse in there that likes to eat all my snails and shrimp.