Looking for a frag tank


New member
My requirements are pretty specific so it is likely that no one can help me, but I thought I would try anyway. I am looking for a frag tank that can fit into a closet. Ideally it would be 4 feet wide, 18 inches deep and 12-18 inches tall. I would just have Scott at ATR build me one, but it has been a 6 month wait on the sump and I don't think it has even been started yet. Maybe if Skip reads this he can put in a good word for me. My 10 foot tank that they made turned out great so I know the sump will also.

Second question. I plan on feeding the frag tank with a pump from my sump and do an overflow and gravity feed back to the sump. The frag tank will be about 2 feet higher than the sump and about 5 feet away. Anyone have any decent pump recommendations?
48x18x17 is a pretty standard 65 gallon tank. Are you looking for glass or acryclic?

glasscages.com has both in those dimensions. Locally, I bought a 60gallon glass tank from ATR that was 48x15X18 (i think)
I guess I don't care whether or not it is glass or acrylic, but I did want two holes drilled in the bottom. I will head over to ATR tommorrow to check out what they have.