Looking for a nano cube for my 5y/o son


New member
Hi everyone,

My 5 y/o son has really taken to reef keeping, so much so that he now calls the 30 gallon sump tank on my system "his tank". I have humored him by putting some button polyps and zoos down there along with a small yellowtailed damsel. They are supported by the meager lighting for my chaeto that is growing in the sump. Unfortunately he now wants to put higher light requiring coral in "his tank" and has developed a wish list of frags he wants out of my main tank. Dispite trying to encourage him to think of the main tank as his too, he continues to call the sump his tank.

So I got the idea that a nano cube tank (ie: oceanic, jbj, redsea ect) would be a good christmas present. Unfortunately I can't afford a new one, so I am looking for a 14-30 gallon used one with stand. If anyone has one they aren't using and would be willing to help a young reefer with starting his first tank, I would appreciate it. I would be willing to spend around $200 and can drive anywhere in NE ohio to get it.

Thanks for the consideration.
Thank you for the offer nameissoftlover. Is your jbj 12 or 14 gallon? Do you have any pictures? How much are you looking to get for it?