Looking for a skimmer pump

Just Jim

Active member
I have two psk-2500 sicce pump running my octopus extreme 300 skimmer. One of them burned out and I'm tired of all the start up trouble. I was looking at the water blaster pumps and was wondering what setup would be best?
Hi Jim,

A single BB 5000 is what I would end up going with it, and just plug the other hole that the second Sicce is using. Or, you could get another Sicce motorblock, and mod both pumps with the Red Devil pinwheel, which should get rid of your startup problems, plus get more air draw / water flow.
it says the BB 5000 pulls 554 gph where each of my sicces pull 660. Can one BB replace two sicces? What about the water blasters? I have needle wheels and venturis from my sicces, can they convert the water blasters?
Hi Jim,

The 5000 should pull around 2000 - 2200lph of air, where the Sicce pumps (two of them with a good pinwheel), will still be around 1800 - 2000. HTH!

just get a new sicce and put some flow meters on the intake lines, i just got a bubble blaster and im not happy with it.
Generally speaking, Sicce 2500's are much louder than BB pumps. There are exceptions to each product line, especially with Sicce's since they vary a lot in noise, but for a general statement, assuming everything is normal with both pumps, the Sicce will be louder.