Looking for Advice on a temporary tank move.


Premium Member
I will be doing a home improvement project in the room that my Saltwater tank is in. I'm not sure how long it will take, but the tank will definately need to be removed from the room during the construction. What is the best way to accomplish this? It's a 75g tank with live rock and shallow sand bed. The corals will continue to need light, and I'd like to try to keep the sand bed alive.
I've had to temporarily hold my stuff 3 times now and what I did was relocated everything to a large rubbermaid tub, suspended the lighting over it and threw some powerheads in there. The first time all I had was rock so it did fine, the second time (with fish and corals) I did fine for a while but neglected it and eventually lost everything but the rock and sand. The third go round I offloaded the corals to one friend, fish to another, and kept just the live rock and sand in my tubs. Sadly the person holding my corals had issues and I lost them AGAIN, but the fish did well and all but 2 made it home.

Bottom line...the tub route is great if you're vigilant on its upkeep (you have to watch heat, evaporation and look out for jumpers...my biggest issues) or find good homes for the stuff.
I'm looking at the same problem here shortly. I'm thinking about getting several of the 2x4 caster carts from Harber Freight. After pumping as much water as I can into Brutt containers putting carts under the stand. After moving tank, pumping water back in and leaving casters in place until returning to original location.
see if you can buy another used 75 gal tank and just set it up exactly how it is somewhere else in the house..or rubbermaid tubs do work wonders!
FYI...I believe this is similar to what I have:
..although I'm pretty sure mine are bigger and made by rubbermaid, but I bought them at TSC. But hey...I always think things are bigger then they really are [cough] [cough] so who knows. I have two of them if you need to borrow one (or both), since I won't need them this winter (at least I hope not).

I like them because their both rigid and flexible at the same time so they can take some abuse and are wider then they are long. And I think that's enough phallic references for one post so good luck!
Your tank has been up for awhile. Trying to keep the sandbed might stir up some nasty stuff.

If you need to make room you can always bring down your Kenya trees and mushroom to me.
I'm getting a 100g rubbermaid tub this week from tractor supply in wilkes barre. I called last night and they have 2 in stock so if you want to grab one of those they are $80.