Looking for advice on Lighting 120 sps


Premium Member
I'm considering 2- 250w MH in Lumenarc III reflectors. I would like to get by without any supplemental lighting, maybe go with 20k bulbs. Would this be a good choice for a 48X24X24 tank?

Would you use the Lumenarc III or the mini Lumenarc reflectors for this size tank?
On my 120 I use (2) RO III with 14K Phoenix bulbs wo/supplemental lighting. I think the color is just about right.

For my 120g:
2x250w Coralvue Reeflux 10K's
2x250w Reef Fanatic e-ballasts
2 Reef Optix 1's
2x110w URI Super Actinics
Coralife e-ballast
I think you would be fine with 250's...but 400's might be better cause of your depth...depending on how high your sandbed is...
I ran 2x250s 15K over my 120 and I wasn't happy with it; the tank was never bright enough for me, but the color of the bulbs were OK.

I now run 2x400 Iwasakis with a pair of VHO actinics and am much happier! If I were going with the 20Ks on a 24" tank and I wanted mostly SPS, I'd go with the 400s or possibly the HQIs.
On my 120, 2 -250 10K HQI and 4 T5 Blue bulbs overdriven by Icecap 660 I can grow anything. I like the color and growth is phenominal. Since I am trying to grow out the corals I will stay with this setup for a while but may choose to raise the K on HQIs to slow some growth later. Will try to post pics.