Looking for cheap zoanthus seller in europe


New member

I am Kike from Spain and i'm addicted to zoas.
This week a friend has told me that he has made a big purchase of rare zoa frags from Germany but obviously he don't want tell me who is his provider :hmm5:

I've been to days looking for (in forums, ebay, craiglists, google ...) but i am not able to found it.

This is the list (Im not sure but i think prices are in euro €):

Here's a price list of what I sell the prices aren't in stone as I do discount on bundle frag packs
Candy apple Red 15pp
Utter chaos 15pp
Super Saiyan 15pp
Vivid Rainbow 20 pp
Candy Crush 75pp
Pink Zipper 10pp
Lunar eclipse 2p 15
Captain America 2p 15
G-hornets 5p 100
Highlighters 5p 100
Tangelos 10pp
Time machines 5p 100
purple rainbow delights 40pp
Eye of Sauron 40pp
Cb rainbow infusions 50 pp
Rose Nebula 30pp
Sunny D 15pp
God of War 1p 15 or 3p 30
Red Hornet 15pp
Tutti Frutti 15pp
Rastas 10pp
Jkr Rainbow Kazoo 40pp

Any help will be apreciated.

Many thanks.
Yes, there are but prices are expensive. One polyp of Utter chaos can cost about 45€ (80€ if you buy in store). Stratosphere for example is imposible to get here and if you buy in UK costs about 300€ ...
I can't do this, shipping is too expensive and it can be retained in customs :(

Zoaaddict is in the uk, as well I'm sure some clubs and stores exist to bring in stuff or point you in the right direction :)

Some of the nicest polyps are in Europe you just need to find them , ask around I'm sure you find :)
Yes, there are but prices are expensive. One polyp of Utter chaos can cost about 45€ (80€ if you buy in store). Stratosphere for example is imposible to get here and if you buy in UK costs about 300€ ...

Yah that's a bummer but it is what it is , if someone in that area bought some they may be inclined to sell for less but if you want a stratosphere I'd say there's a high likely chance your paying for it ;)