Looking for Corals


New member
Just moved this past Aug and am looking to add some more coral to my tank. I have a 150 gal tank with some coral already in it (green leather, gsp, plate coral, kenya tree, mushrooms, orange ricordia, trumpet, candy cane, capnella)
Looking to add some more to the tank - would like some sps corals or any other offers, just looking to add more - I've got a lot of rock!!

I live in Lancaster and would be willing to meet.
I have T5 lighting by the way - but plenty of rock if things need to be placed higher in the tank.
Hi,I have acropora frags but i am in wilkes barre which is 2+ hours from lancaster . i will be at the swap on jan 31,2009 at TFP in lancaster with plenty of goodies if you want to wait.If not and you want to take the ride down to my neck of the woods let me know and i will get some corals ready for you.Here is a link to the swap thread.


and a link to the type of frag pack i can offer you


and a link to some of my feedback


I have some green birdsnest, montipora digitata (blue polyp or brown) and xenia.

I'll be in Lancaster on Saturday. PM me if you're interested.