Looking for Custom sump builder


New member

I'm looking for someone who could build a custom sump for me to fit under my 120g tank. The sump would have to be smaller than 30"x18" footprint to fit through the front doors of it. I would like there to be a skimmer section, refugium section, and a return section, plumbed with a bulkhead and a 90 degree for my return pump. I've been thinking something like this:

I guess I'm more catering to the custom acrylic crowd, however I've seen that according to all-glass.com, the standard 37g or 29g would fit those dimensions too.

I would build it myself, as I've got the weld-on, but I just don't trust my own ghetto-engineering in the long run.

If anyone has any experience with this, and is up for the challenge, for around the $250-$300 out the door range, let me know.


I do a lot of acrylic work. you can stop by and check out my work. I have all the acrylic tools needed to build anything you can think of. you can get a nice custom sump with that budget. I live in Pembroke Pines and will be back from vacation after the 1rst. i'll pm you with my #.
