Looking for flora and fauna to re-boot my live rock...


I need more fauna than flora at this point but if you can spare any: stomatellas, amphipods, copepods, asterinid stars, bristle worms, mysis shrimp, micro serpent stars (mini-brittle), chaetomorpha, or small baggie of live sand, etc. let me know.

I don't expect much of anything to have survived my hypo-salinity issue so now that everything is back up and running I need to kick start the whole system.

I live in Sinking Springs, but I'm planning on making it to the swap...hoping for a 4 for 3 salt deal since I'll have gone through almost 2x160g buckets in the last 48 hours.


Glad to hear things are on the right track! I'll bring you some strombus snails at the swap.
The strombus I have in my tank have decided it's a good time to breed as much as possible. I'll have 200 in my 17 gallon tank very soon at the rate they are going. Great little snails. I signed up for the swap but it looks like I'll be going to Boston that weekend. Otherwise I would bring you some sand.
Thanks guys. I really want to get things moving now that it's all running. So far I've seen nothing alive in there.

Tony...I will be late to the swap...so don't look for me to be there before 3pm.

Jon..Some other time then if I still need it.

Thanks again.

I will try to snag you a few Stomatella snails and such for you and bring them to the swap if you want.
Kevin if we can meet up after 8 during the week I've got plenty of asterina and micro sand stars. I could also round up some mysids. Let me know.

Pm. I also have a few hundred pounds of live rock loaded with sponge if you wanted some of that also.

Pm. I also have a few hundred pounds of live rock loaded with sponge if you wanted some of that also.


OK...I sent you a PM. I posted this early because I'm hoping to just meet up with folks at the swap since it's less than 2 weeks away.