Looking For Frags


New member
I just started a 29 gallon Bio Cube, so I am looking for someone who is selling frags in the West Grove area, my lighting isn't the strongest so looking for hardy guys

29 Gallon Oceanic Bio Cube
1 Percula Clown
1 Polka-dot Cardinalfish
2 Blue Hermit Crabs
1 Red Hermit Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
Star polyps
Live Rock
1 in Live Sand
'Shrooms (which you already have) and Zoas are a good start if your using PC lighting mkeevil. I started out with those in my 55 and have had no losses even after moving them to my 90.
From there it's hit and miss, I'm using VHO lighting now and have had great luck with my Favia, Galaxia, and Hydnophora.
If possible, it might be worthwhile for you to come to the meeting on Monday for the club.