Looking for frags

I have a few easy to keep sps if your interested.

red cap
green digitata
green cap
orange cap

All of those are $10 each.

I also have a small frag of pink zoanthids for $10

Let me know


Ft. lauderdale.



i've got tons of zoanthids. rare and non-rare. tons of sps. some other softies. I live right off 75 in weston not too far from you. just a little hoop and a skip up I-75. 954 547 9878 give me a call. i should be here all day. I've got about 100 frags in my fragtank and pretty much everything is $5-10.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12309645#post12309645 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I have a few easy to keep sps if your interested.

red cap
green digitata
green cap
orange cap

All of those are $10 each.

I also have a small frag of pink zoanthids for $10

Let me know



Get on AIM >_<
Sorry guys i was sick this whole weekend so I wasn't able to swing by to pick up some frags. PM me with your numbers so we can set something up possibly during the week in the evening. thanks
Hey ravedood,

I have lots of frags for sale as well. mine are mostly SPS frags but they range from easy to keep to a little harder. Prices range from $10-$100 per frag.

I see you are at FIU, if you wanted I could send you some pics and bring them with me to my office in Doral for an easier pickup for you. If not then you are more than welcome to come by my house in Broward to see the tank.

Let me know, I am mostly available in the evenings on week days and alomst all teh time on weekends.

I will shoot you a pm with my number.

