Looking for GSP mats


New member
I recently removed the sand out of my 36 gallon Deep Blue rimless frag tank and want to create a "grass" effect in place of the sand so I am looking for a large mat of gsp, or multiple smaller mats. Obviously this means the GSP must not be on any rocks, or at least on very thin rock. Please PM me or post on here with price, pictures, and size. Thanks
Hey Big Z, PM me your phone number again please, my old phone took a dump.

I will be looking for more gsp, because if I remember correctly BigZ has a dark gsp and I wouldn't mind a few different shades.
Its behind the toadstool on the rack and growing up the wall

Its behind the toadstool on the rack and growing up the wall

4"x4" pc and trade me a coral for it.


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4"x4" pc and trade me a coral for it.

Tank is empty of corals... Been sitting with fish only for about a year now. Corals all died on my last move and i haven't had interest in getting back into them till after removing the sand two weeks ago. Either way, Sarasota would be a heck of a drive for a 4" square piece. I will update you if I end up heading down there for any other corals. Thanks
I've got some that could use a trimming, its in the front corner and awkward to try to get a good pic. This is a top down shot looking at the tank corner.

I would love to see it and it's progression. Been debating on doing my back glass in bright green gsp but hesitant
Thanks for the interest everyone, I really hope to get this going soon. Maybe even using some "trees" from macro algae saltwater plants. I will be sure to take pictures from the start to finish and keep updates as time goes on.