Looking for leathers, torch, hammer or frogspawn corals...


New member
As the title states I am looking to get a nice size frag of leather corals and/or 1-2 heads of either frogspawn, hammer coral, or torch coral...
Let me know wha you have...

I have a torch colony for sale. 12+heads, neon green with purple tips. I am asking $100. It is a great show peice.

let me know

Hi, Mel!

I have two different finger leathers...a green one and a yellow one. You are welcome to frags of either of both of them for the low price of a drive to West Palm!
Lou...I sent you a pm.

Matt....that piece is too big for the places I want them for.
But I will be hitting you up for other frags sooon.

Eddie... I don't have the space to accomadate that shroom.
Thanks anyway.

Torry...Thanks, I will plan for it next weekend. This weekend I have some exams to take. Thanks again.
I have a really nice hammer... drop me a pm if you're interested... almost split into 2 heads, but really nice size, very green. Just want what I paid, $25 (because of the color). The frogspawn and hammer are just getting too big, and I like the froggy better.