I'm only interested in PD's, even if only 1 polyp. Please put me down for your first frag... let me know how much. I'm going to have plenty of green. Also, does anyone have any green slimer to bring to the meeting? I'm outta budget, but I think I can scrape a little more up. Got a gorgeous ORA tort and a beautiful green polyp birdnest from RacerMike tonight, and to keep the wife happy I let her buy a single head of hammer and a single head of frogspawn (her favorite LPS) and a cinnamon polyp. The tank's really starting to come together! I picked up a tiny, beautiful purplish riccordea, more purple than anything I've seen before, and some orange "safecrackers" (like a safecracker, but really orange). Also put in a dusky jawfish, one of my favorite, and he's already made one heck of a mess, tunnelling under every rock. I love those guys! Anyway, here's to hoping the tank's ready for the next tank hop.