Looking for purple pagoda like the picture


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member

I borrowed this picture off of a facebook post. I used to have this coral, and loved it, but long gone. I want one!!!
Did a quick round of the broward stores, might hit upper miami tomorrow... any suggestions?
No one had it. Petworld had a few different sized frags of the same coral only all green. Nice, but not what I want.
Hit up bird road and you will knock out 5-6 stores in one shot basically.. It's better than running around all over miami. How many stores have you checked so far?
4, but I'm not actively looking for it... was out for other reasons, although had I found it, I'd have grabbed it. I doubt any stores would have it, someone's fragging it.
Just checked aquatic reef life just south of stirling, and he was able to talk me out of a little cash... got a nice favia and a really different blasto. He has some nice pieces there, quite a few large zoo colonies for good price.

He had some pagodas, very nice sized at a good price, but they're the green. I'm holding out for the purple. Also hit aquatic jewels on stirling, seems nicer in there than I remember, and this is the first time anyone gave me the time of day when i went in. I don't know if they're under new management or new owner, but the guy inside was pretty nice.
Chris- I wouldnt mind a piece of that either. Maybe if you find a big one we can split it. I love pagodas. I had one that is A little less than a foot in circumference. Ive had it for 8 years. Sometimes it looks teal, sometime, light purple, sometime green, LOL.
I had a green pagoda in my 18 gallon, very nice coral. It grew a little, but then again, it was under power compacts (alot of wattage, though). In my 65 gallon, I had one that was a harder base (not fleshy like a regular pagoda), Army green deep green, with huge brown polyps, and a bright purple growth rim. I fragged the crap outta that coral, made good money on it (around $35 per frag) and it grew very well under halides. If I could find someone that still had that coral, I'd pay good money for it. I really liked it.