Looking for RODI


New member
Well Im tired off buying distilled water from walmart and lugging RODI from the retailers so Im gonna do what I should have done a long time ago; buy an RODI unit of my own. Anybody have a gently used RODI laying around they're not using? Im looking for one that I could easily connect and disconnect from a bathroom faucet. If not, can someone recommend a new unit thats not too costly. I would say Im looking to pay close to 150 or so for a new one if I cant find used. Thanks!
I bought a nice 150 gpd RODI 6 stage brand new on ebay for around a hundred bucks. It has worked great and is very fast. i dont remember the store or seller but you can find quality merchandise on ebay. Basically, from what I understand, most RODI units use the same generic carbon and DI filters so most of them are virtually the same no matter the brand. I could be wrong about the information but I do know that I have had no problems outta mine in a year and a half since I bought it. I just replace the filters at regular intervals. Good Luck!!