Looking for Rose Bubble Tip


New member
I am trying to find a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone in/around Indianapolis. Either from a LFS or from someone looking to sell theirs.

Post or PM the info to me.

While on the subject of Bubble tips, does anyone know how to get them off of a rock? Can this be done.
I have 4 green bubble tips. Looking to get rid of 3 of them if I can get this done.
I know this is a bit early, and you plan on taking it to the frag, but is there any way you would part with it prior? or are you looking to swap for something?
Sent you a pm, Sulty.

tazman, it's tricky getting them off of rocks, but it can be done with patience. If you can get to the edge of the foot (it's not buried deep in a crack), just gently start working the foot away from the rock, I use my fingernail ever so gently. It gets pretty slimy as the anemone gets annoyed! Once the edge starts to come up, it gets easier.

Some folks suggest using a powerhead blown near the anemone to annoy it enough that it starts to move on its own, it's easier to lift them when they're "on the march" b/c the foot isn't as secure. It hasn't worked for me when I've tried it, but give it a shot. I've wondered if it wouldn't also work to take the rock the bta is on and move it--my thinking that with the change in light or flow, the bta will start to wander on its own so you can remove it. Or if the rock is small enough, put it in a bucket and maybe it'll come off of the rock and attach to the wall of the bucket? Just a thought, haven't tried it myself.

I did tear an anemone's foot once. The foot was way down in a crack, so I tried to chip away at the rock (I was impatient and in a hurry--on my way to a frag swap). The rock split the wrong way and tore the foot a little. I stopped at that point, didn't want to further injure it and risk it dying. It recovered quickly, the tear was less than a 1/2".