Looking for Salt!


New member
Before I place an internet order for salt, does anyone know if salt is on sale at any of the LFSs?

I heard of some great deals locally a couple of weeks ago, but I was too late. Thanks!
tagging along....also getting ready to buy a few buckets.
Invertigator....I think your best bet would be Dr.F
Reef Crystals 160 gallon mix 31.00 .....10 bucks shipping
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12079007#post12079007 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bret61081
ask ur lfs...most will match prices

Ok Bret will you guys match my post.?
just kidding bret...:)
I typically order Reef Crystals from Drs. Foster & Smith. Shipping is based on order total, so even if you order 6 or 8 buckets at a time, shipping is only ~$20 or so. If you stock up when they go on sale, you can get them for around $32 each w/shipping. I think I'm down to 2 buckets, so I'm on the lookout for their next sale.

Matt's offer at $35 is a good one. If Carlos doesn't want it, I'll take it off you hands. Have you switched to another salt, Matt?
Felix, You are right, Big Al's online has pretty good salt prices, but heavy items dont apply to the free shiping. They wanted $78 for shipping 3 buckets.:mad: :eek1:
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Why not Dr. Foster....where all looking for salt we can get 5 buckets for 159.99 at 13.99 shipping ...thats 34.79 per bucket.....thats a good price
BTW I think we could go 8 buckets for under 20 bucks shipping....remember NO TAX
Brian, I am in for two buckets of reef crystals if you want to order. I can swing buy and pay you for my share. I will PM you with my info.
Hi bckane,
I am in for 3 as long as it gets here by next Friday. Other wise I am in for 2 and I will get one locally. I will pm you also.
ok....lets slow the roll here.....we could save a bunch of cash here
20 buckets is only 17.99 for shipping but I cant have 20 buckets of salt sitting in front my house...where can we have this delivered.? We may need someone thats home most of the day to sign for this....
It depends on what day. I am usually here and Mike is off all next week. I am about 1 mile from the school where the meetings are held off of Rivrland. When do you plan on ordering?
Logic says there's a point where Drs. FS may balk at shipping a ridiculous amount of heavy salt buckets. Not sure if anyone has ever encountered that before.

If I order, I'm probably getting 4-6 buckets for myself (a year's supply), which I would prefer to have shipped to me directly for my own convenience. I don't mind splitting shipping with someone, but don't want 20 buckets arriving at my house either.... :D
Jeff, wont the salt get hard after that amount of time even if it is still sealed?
Not with the lids the salt buckets have, there's a rubber gasket to keep moisture out. I store salt, CaCl, and MgCl in my garage in IO and Reef Crystals buckets. I've never had clumping in any of them. Of course, I give them a whack with a rubber mallet to make sure they're closed tight before I put them away.
I went to Beverly's at Pines and University and spoke to the Manager, Greg. He and I went online and looked up the Drs Foster prices. He will beat the price for the Reef Crystals 50 gallon bag and the large 5 gallon bucket. He will add the shipping that Foster's has and then divide by how many we get. With tax, it should cost us about the same as Foster's but we can get it immediatley. As of now he will have 20 bags there for us on Tuesday. I need a count on 5 gallon buckets so that he can order those also. From the 20 bags, 10 are for Rogger, and 3 are for me. Let me know who else wants them.