looking for sea hare


Coral Gardener
Seen any sea hares in OC, or SoCal? Can anyone recommend a reasonable online place for them? I know liveaquaria has them...
I picked up two at Jeffs Exotic Fish last week. They had plenty. Cost=$15 each.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6837834#post6837834 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saurus
I picked up two at Jeffs Exotic Fish last week. They had plenty. Cost=$15 each.

yep that's where i got my sea hair for 16 dollar including tax, if u want i'll sell him back to u for 12 dollar he has eatten all my green hair algae, im located in westminster area in OC.
I got the last one at Jeff's. He has already gone to work, thanks!

Wakeupdrowzy - Going to wait a few days, but I may want another one, I will let you know and you can tell me if you still have it.
Sorry to but in, but how big are the sea hares you bought at Jeff's? I have been looking for a dwarf sea hare locally. Anyone have any for sale?
i hope you guys have better results than i have. i have bought three sea hares from three different stores and each time they start out munching down the green hair algae then after a couple of days they are dead. do you think the algae is killing them or what. meanwhile the battle continues.
I had the same problem, they'll chow down for a few days then die all of a sudden. Are they really fragile?
The one from Jeff's is about 3 inches long. I was down at aquatic warehouse in SD today and they had a bunch of them but they were all about 1.5" long.
Both of the sea hares I have had died in about a week as well. They both ate a lot of algae (maybe to much?). Both where doing really well it seemed and muched on everything, but there was still plenty left so I know they didn't starve. Oh well, they did help, but kind of expensive for 1 week of work.
i was reading last night that they do not like high water flow. i turned my wave maker to the lowest setting and shut off one other powerhead. i stopped at jeffs today and bought another sea hare and 5 turbo snails. i hope this works.
Wow! I have never read that. My flow is not what I would consider high, but maybe. I think my flow is about 23x or so. If true, that sucks! :(
the book is called (a pocket expert guide, marine invertebrates) by ronald l shimek, ph.d. page 330. it's a very useful and easy to read book. i also have the one on marine fishes. well after a 3 hour drip acclumation he's in the tank munching away. now for the turbo snails.