Looking for soft corals


New member
Just finished cycling my tank and now looking for some beginner corals. Maybe like some mushrooms or frogspawn. Lmk what you have
I won't be home till later but look up pics of

Green toadstool leather
Finger leather
Green singularia
Might have some pulsing Xenia
I'm sure I have more but that's off memory. I have 10 tanks so hard to remember what is in each one

I also have frogspawn hammer corral and tour he's but those are not soft corals and not as easy to care for
I won't be home till later but look up pics of

Green toadstool leather
Finger leather
Green singularia
Might have some pulsing Xenia
I'm sure I have more but that's off memory. I have 10 tanks so hard to remember what is in each one

I also have frogspawn hammer corral and tour he's but those are not soft corals and not as easy to care for

I like the look of green toadstool leather