Looking for some info on batfish

I have 2 tiera bats. They are a pain to keep healthy, often getting clody eyes and ich, they are more brackish fish than salt fish so they handle fresh water dips for 15 minutes plus very well for curing these problems. I keep them with tangs, triggers, and all sorts of community fishes. They just need a deep tank with lots of swiming room, not too much current and no puffers or other fin nippers.
they do best in a tank that is at leat 36"deep. i dont know if i would personally keep them with trigges because their fins are so tempting
depends on the type of batfish their are three that are the most commonly imported.
Orbic- gets very large and is very dirty grows fast
Tiera- less hardy than the orbic and is more colorful gets a little smaller
PINNATUS- very very very delicate has some nice color but will fade and turn gray, never eat and have never seen one live more than 6 months.
Don't forget the walking bat-fish - needs a large tank with a lot of open sandy bottom. Feeds on clams, shrimp and fish (silversides).
nope but still sweet!
I have only seen two batfish that didn't have ick and they had been fin raped by who knows what and were recently dropped off at an LFS. Certainly a large tank + peaceful tankmates setup needed.

Walking bats are waaay cool. Just wish I had "room at the inn" for one. Certainly a conversation piece fish for any display tank.
I had mine in a 75gl with a jeweled moray and stonefish never had a problem till I came home one day and it was dead. Weird he was eating frozen from the tongs and doing very well he was one of those fish that did'nt look so well at the fish store was a trade in his horn was infected but I nursed him back to health and kept him for about 8 months