looking for spongy gasket material


New member
Anyone know of a spongy material I could use as a gasket? My thoughts were neoprene or something along that line. Reason being, my DIY reactor is not sealing properly. The clean-out plug is leaking slightly, which I easily fix with teflon tape. I cut a gasket out of plumbers rubber that you get at Lowe's but its not compressing enough to seal the unit tight.
So, any ideas out there?
mousepad? or maybe check out the kitchen section at the grocery store for "non-skid / non-slip" stuff used in sinks or tubs
good suggestions. I was trying to avoid the o-ring, just because it's rounded and wouldn't compress as much as I wanted.
I found some neoprene sheets in Lowe's in the electrical section. Was supposed to be for outdoor lighting but I cut some gaskets out of it. I'm not sure it would be big enough for your intended purpose but maybe worth a shot.
Go to a hobby store like Hobby Lobby or Michael's. They have a product called "Funky Foam". It comes in a sheet and is about 1/8 inch in thickness. I used it on my DIY calcium reactor.

One thing I noticed about using this product: It is spongy and somewhat porous and when you first install it you may notice a slight "seep" or "weep" along the edge (not a drip or outright leak). This will stop in a day or so. I think the solid particles in the water eventually clog up the seep. When you think about it, if you were trying to create something that produced a drop every ten minutes it would stop up by itself with all the solids in a CR. I keep my calcium reactors in plastic tubs anyway because they will eventually leak for one reason or another.

I would use some sheet silicone gasket material available from any auto parts stores. It is softer then neoprene rubber, so it should compress better.