Looking for the "best value for money" point and shoot

Someone recently asked about the Fuji Finepix S570 and I was impressed by the specs- it looks great on paper and it's received very positive reviews.
Okay, I will check that out.

I was thinking more in the direction of Cannon and Nikon, so if anyone out there has any advice on a point and shoot made by any of those two companies, please LMK.
gregr, I thought you looked at the specs on the S700, which seems to be a pretty feature packed per dollar value camera. I could be wrong, just thought I read that thread recently. Other cameras include Panasonic FZ8, Canon S3IS, S5IS, or some of the higher end Canon A series powershots, like the A640, or the A710IS.

Food for thought.

You're right Dave- my mistake. I sent that when I was in a hurry to get out the door... sorry and thanks for the correction.
I love the Panasonic FZ8. It takes great pics, has a bunch of cool features (including RAW) and sells for like $300 at walmart. Check it out.
