Looking through the glass...


New member

Looking through the glass never stops amazing me. My most recent addition - powder brown ( a. nigricans edition :) ) is clearing his space with the established YT but somehow in a controlled way.

Day 1 seemed brutal and I was about to separate them but things did get better. This is 5th day with most of the swimming along and little to none tail rubbing. Right now I watch 3 players, YT, fox face & powder brown trying to sort things out in a civilized way with the rest of the pack pretty much transparent (clowns, chromis, cleaner wrasse). YT stopped chasing, Brown stopped to flee, fox face appears between them for no apparent reason but always in between and they all navigate to the same algae clip even though there are 3 in the tank.

The point of this message however is that all expect for the brown where captive bred but he is the only one not shy at all. Always in the front even with me staring at it, he likes to hoover in close "face" proximity. He picks on the rock, nori, frozen but for now ignores pellets. In 5 seconds he started to use services of the cleaner wrasse and cleaner shrimp. Even though the wrasse knows its path, none of the other fish seems to know what to do with the shrimp...

How is that a wild caught fish is far more outgoing than a captive bred one (i.e. YT)... ? Intriguing.
