Looking to buy a nice protein skimmer.

It's a Vertex Alpha 200 ;)

Long time ago, we manufactured the Alphas for Vertex, white-labeled if you want to call it. However at some point, Vertex changed manufacturers... From afar this does in deed look like one of the older ones we built. However technically it's still a Vertex :P

BTW, we do have pump replacements for them... if that ever becomes a problem. Make sure to clean the impeller, and most importantly the bearing in the back of the block, and the pumps will last a long time!
Come see us in the Royal Exclusiv / Bubble King forum section if you need any help :)

As Marco said, RE made them for Vertex many years back and yes, it was sold with the Red Dragon pump. It was never branded Bubble King for a number of reasons and Vertex ended up OEM'ing the design have having RE build them. Since the relationship with Vertex and Royal Exclusiv went different directions a few years ago, Vertex now has the bodies made "overseas" and may have actually discontinued them. The most recent Vertex skimmers are nowhere near the same quality. There was a thread recently in the RE forum here showing glue runs among other things due to the change quality as a result in manufacturing.

That said, I have intimate experience with the Alpha's. I've helped many Alpha users here over the years and ran one myself for years before switching to a Supermarin. The Alpha's, due to the large diameter neck require a very heavy load to function consistently. They are very underrated and I woudln't recommend the Alpha 200 for a 175 gallon display unless it was HEAVILY stocked with fish. One thing you will find with most Alpha related threads here is the fact that most don't run consistently which is due in large part to their tank sized rating being under rated. Most people end up running them very wet and having to deal with the occasional overflow. The Alpha 200 is better suited for a 250 gallon heavily stocked tank.