Looking to buy for some zo's

I have Rastas. You can get them when and if I ever catch the chromis lol! It's 8-10 polyps though....
Don't have the chromis caught yet. He's the only fish that hasn't gone in the trap. It's like they know, lol!!!!
i can vouch for knukles, even after losing my frag of hornets amidst a minefield of rbtas, and findin them days later, they're still going strong. =)
I have a few of these between 6 polyps to 15 polyps ranging from $35 to 50$ depending what it is. Pm ur number I'll txt pics
I have electric oompa loomp, utter chaos, purple hornets, red hornets, fruit loops, rastas and candy apple
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Dont know what they are called but I have these for sale. The rock is abut 8-9" long. This is a show piece for a nice tank.

I am taking down my tank and leaving S Fla so all my prized corals and fish have to go.
