Looking to get slimed

1st - I'm jealous, I love IRB - go to Slyce all the time
2nd - Yes please! How much for a frag?

Here's the two I have. Literally just cut the one on the right side. And I just did a water change so they aren't real happy right now.
Left: 3 branches fully encrusted 3" $15
Right: 4.5" $15
<a href="http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/mlongnecker11/media/FE01AB58-588E-4EF8-9315-412681C37BF7_zpsf10n9j6t.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b610/mlongnecker11/FE01AB58-588E-4EF8-9315-412681C37BF7_zpsf10n9j6t.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo FE01AB58-588E-4EF8-9315-412681C37BF7_zpsf10n9j6t.jpg"></a>
I have a large colony front and center in my tank. Been thinking about cutting Y shape branch off as its growing into my other colonies. The Y is about 12" tall Probably about 20" or coral all together. $100

Its the two tallest branches
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