Looking to start-up


New member
Hey guys, let me first start off by saying that this a wonderful forum and I have learned so much already just by looking through it!

Instead of the 20L I have decided to go a bit bigger and am thinking about a 46 gallon bow front. I have only checked Beverlys and the tank was $149 while the stand was $289. Is there any place cheaper or is anyone looking to get rid of one?

In your opinion, would this be a good tank to start with? Thanks for any help!
With that all said I prefer a new tank. That way you know the seals are all new and there are no scratches. You can build a stand.

Can I give you a recomendation. Deeper is better and I dont mean top to bottom but front to back. I like a tank that is 2x2x2 or 3x2x2 or 4x2x2 or 5x2x2. Get the idea.

But buy someones set up to get all the stuff inside.
I got the e-mail from Big Al's I might have to take a ride over there and look around. I've kept my eyes on craigslist and ebay, so eventually one will come up I suppose.

The limiting factor in my tank size is space. The 36" length and at the widest it being 16.5" is perfect for the space I have for it. It is replacing a standard 45 gallon.

I am planning a 20L refugium so that's going to be a project as well as lighting, drilling, and plumbing, but it's a long road ahead.

Thanks for the quick responses and help!
Good Luck, and welcome to our forum. Remember get as big as you can right now and avoid losing your a$$ when you sell the first tank to upgrade. Most of us here have upgraded and sold their initial setups cheap. I too thought I only had a small area for the tank until the addiction started. I went from a 34 to a 210 in under 5 months, and there was no way I could fit it at the time.

This is me 6 months later, and lots more to add.

I would just wait til some one post a tan for sale here, they will!! you can find outrageous deals if your patient.
Check with Beverly's on SW corner of Pines Blvd and University for new ones... they've got good prices. Personally, I don't buy livestock from them, though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11486821#post11486821 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ecal468
isistus- The 135 is a bit large for me. Thanks though

Beverly's is where I got that price from, but I think I might have found a pretty good used 46 bowfront with just the stand and tank for 150. What do you think?

I was also looking at making a refugium and saw this on ebay. What do you guys think?


Ahh that is a build it yourself. I shure hope that its water tight.
I have a 75g that I am selling. PM me and let me know if you are interested. I am selling the tank,stand and canopy for $275. It has no lights so you must get those on your own.
<a href="http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a309/malice229/?action=view&current=IMG_3292.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a309/malice229/IMG_3292.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Here is a pic and I have sand too... It is black/white fiji sand.
The 75 is a bit big for the space that I have as of now. Thanks for the offer though. It sure was a nice tank when you had it setup!
dude bigger is easier to maintain and stablize and your gonna regret it later your gonna want to go bigger trust its happened to all of us here LOL
I really appreciate the advice to go bigger, and I respect it, but at this time I cannot see myself going larger. Thank you though!

On a separate note, once I have the tank and lights, what else do I need to start getting this tank cycled?

I don't know whether to get a HOB overflow and make a refugium underneath, or get a HOB refugium?

Would I be ok with just a skimmer until I figure it out while the tank cycles?

I'm uncertain where to go after the tank and lights. The tank is undrilled. I really appreciate all the advice and time everybody is offering for my help!
I agree with Reefer... once you start you will want bigger. I once had 2 12's and a 24 in my room... I had three tanks running before I got the 75 just because I thought smaller was better and easier to maintain. A lot can go wrong in a small tank real fast!

I wish you well with your first tank! Please post pics when you get some life in there :)

Happy New Year!