looking to trade a laptop for tank,stand,lights


New member
I have a laptop that i bought in october for school, but i dont use anymore that i dont travel. http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/tos...-32517988.html. here is a quick review website of the laptop the model number is A215-S4747. I'm looking to get a tank and Lights to run for coral a stand is not nessecary, I can get cash but it wont be for a weeks so if anyone is interested in a laptop trade i'm all ears
Perhaps it's just me but the link isn't working.

I have a drilled 75 sump and lights I'll be getting rid of within a couple of weeks hopefully.
yea i also have a 75 with stand lighting and tank that i will be selling. also your post doesnt work on the laptop.

Second i also have a sump beneath it with a coralife super skimmer.